Le spécialiste numéro 1 pour les emplois multilingues et bilingues en Grande Bretagne et en Irlande.

Business detail

321 Chase Road
Code postal
N14 6JT
44 208 920 7933

The graph above shows the percentage of French vacancies advertised on Top Language compared with the percentage of candidates who have French linguistic skills.

French is a very popular language in the market place. A total of 27.71% of the vacancies advertised on the website are looking for candidates with French linguistic skills, showing a high demand for candidates with French linguistic skills in the market place. Equally to meet this demand, 20.49% of the total candidates are those with French linguistic skills.


01/04/2013 - ckhonde a dit :


01/04/2013 - ckhonde a dit :

Hi my name's chantal khonde Iam in heartfordshire university doing health studies and french,I'm lookoing a job in june please could you help to find a place please? and I'm congolese. j'ai 33ans jesuis gradue' en science commerciale et administrative back home.I'm speaking lingala, french and English.
Thank you cheers.

14/04/2012 - fages.maxime a dit :

My name is Maxime Fages, I am a French student in a preparatory class for high scientific school. I am looking for a job in London for july.I speak fluent English (level C1) spanish (level B1).I wish to improve my English level and discover England. I can send you my CV.
Thank you. Cheers.

03/11/2011 - venkateswara.kommireddy a dit :


I am a Techi guy in Hp-ux with 3 years of imperical exposure in Tcs and HP.Recently I have completed A -Level certifiaction in German Language.
I need to utilize the skills of German.can any one scritinize and help me out.Thanks in advance.

17/07/2011 - louelkadiri a dit :

I'm a French girl(18 years) and I'm looking for a job to september in London. Could you help me to find a job? I'm a polyvalent girl and bilingual Spanish.

Best regards

26/02/2011 - capucine51 a dit :

I'm a French girl, I'm looking for a job. Do you hire in your company from June to August?



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